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Eden Kids Academy
> Application For Enrollment
Application For Enrollment
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Name and Surname of Child
Mother or Legal Guardian 1
Legal Guardian 1
Mother or Legal Guardian 1 Details
Marital status
Cell number/WhatsApp number
Work number
Parent with ...
Parent with legal custody
Parent with Legal Guardian
Parent with Biological parent
Father or Legal Guardian 2
Legal Guardian 1
Father or Legal Guardian 1 Details
Marital status
Cell number/WhatsApp number
Work number
Parent with ...
Parent with legal custody
Parent with Legal Guardian
Parent with Biological parent
The Child Information
Name Called
Date Of Birth
Home Language
Please Select Any Of The Following That Apply To Your Child
Speech Problems
Hearing Problems
Vision Problems
Medication to be given daily at the day-care
Serious medical conditions
Dietary Restrictions
Serious Allergy
Any Other Medical Issues
Please use the next field box if you need to provide more detail.
If any options was selected in previous check boxes, provide details below
If any of the parents did not sign this document, then he/she is not part of this agreement and he/she will not be allowed to collect the child at the day-care or to have any contact with the child when in the care of this facility unless he/she is an authorized “pick-up” person.
Authorized Pick-Up Person 1 Details
Cell Number
Work Number
Relationship To Child
Authorized Pick-Up Person 2 Details
Cell Number
Work Number
Relationship To Child
Terms of Service
I accept the terms of service below
Kindly note we only cater for children from 2years to 5years old.
Hard copies of documents to be handed in with application: 1] A copy of the Birth Certificate of the child or his/her Passport.
2] A copy of the Clinic Card of the child or a signed letter stating the reason it is not available.
3] A copy of the SA Identity Document/Passport/SA Work Permit of the father.
4] A copy of the SA Identity Document/Passport/SA Work Permit of the mother.
5] A copy of a municipal or other account confirming residential address.
Fees for 2022 - Kindly note all payments are in advance!
Registration Fee: R200-00 (payable annually)
February to November: R1050
Fees for January and December will be communicated to the parents in advance.
Late payments:
Payments should be made no later than the 2nd of every month. Eden Kids Academy
has the legal right to claim 10% of the amount that is paid late being an additional amount for administration and other expenses.
In addition to the aforesaid, Eden Kids Academy reserves the right not to accept a child at the day-care on the 3rd workday if any amount due has not been paid.
I/we as a parent(s)/guardian(s) with legal custody declare:
that the information herein as supplied by me/us is correct and to the best of my/our knowledge.
that I/we agree to abide by the school rules.
that I/we accept that the monthly fee is payable in advance on before the 2nd day of each month.
that I/we agree to give one calendar months’ notice in writing if the service as indicated is no longer required or to pay one month's fee in lieu of notice (Notice to be given on the first day of the month for that month).
that I/we agree to pay the monthly fees in full even if my/our child is away on holiday or absent for any other reason.
- that I/we are aware that the day-care centre will be closed every year from a date in December to a date in January of the following year (exact dates to be announced not later than 1 November of the year).
that I/we agree to pay the levy for overdue payment, legal and other fees on overdue accounts and tracing fees.
- that I/we agree that any local medical doctor may attend to any emergency regarding my/our child, and I/we undertake to meet all expenses incurred.
- that I/we are aware that my enrollment can be cancelled by the day-care centre with 7 days’ notice and that no reason for such action need to be supplied by the day-care centre.
- that I/we are aware that parent(s)/guardian(s) is/are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the monthly fees as agreed herein.
- that I/we are aware that if practical activities are offered, it will be charged for separately.
- that I/we are aware of the monthly fees as stipulated in this agreement and that it might be increased to any other amount with 1 months’ notice in advance.
I/we as a parent(s)/guardian(s) give my/our consent that my/our child as mentioned above may take part in all classroom and playground activities as well as educational excursions that might be arranged by this day-care. I/we request that the staff member(s) appointed to oversee my/our child to act "in loco parentis" during such activities. I/we fully understand and accept that all activities shall be participated in, at my/our child's own risk.
Rules and conditions of enrollment regarding EDEN KIDS ACADEMY. (This forms part of the enrollment contract.)
Please Note:
School Hours:
• Monday - Thursday: 06H45 – 17H45
• Friday: 06H45 - 17H30
The attendance register must be signed every day. Parents collecting their children after the time agreed according to enrollment, must get a message to the day care informing us what the position is. The day-care centre will then arrange to have the child supervised by a child minder at an additional minimum fee of R50-00 for the first hour or part thereof and R25-00 per hour or part thereof for any additional time.
Penalty to be paid the next day the child attends the day-care.
- Parents with any query or request regarding their children enrolled at Eden Kids Academy must contact the supervisor or principal without delay.
- Parents are only to phone the Day Care number as we as staff will not have the capacity to keep up with WhatsApp queries as we give your kids our full time and attention.
- Breakfast is only served between 07H15 and 08H15. No requests for late breakfast can be considered. - Lunch is served at 11H45 and 12H15
-Please pack a morning snack and a juice or water. Morning snack to be healthy Eg... Yogurt, fruit, sandwich, chips is also okay.
No sweets allowed from Mon to Thurs, kids may bring sweets on Fridays.
- Resting time is from 12H30 to 14H00 (No children are to be picked up during this time due to it being a disturbance during rest time, UNLESS its and emergency)
When applicable, parents must fill out the medication chart stipulating dosages and the time when medication is to be given. Medication containers are to be clearly labelled indicating the content and the name of your child. No medicine will be given to a child unless the medicine chart has been completed and signed by the parent.
All precautions will be taken to prevent any loss or damage to clothing. However, the day-care centre does not accept responsibility if loss or damage to clothing does occur.
Clothing must be marked clearly by the parent(s). No expensive jewellery (including earrings) and hair accessories are to be worn to the day-care centre.
This agreement is void if it is not signed by the parent or legal guardian that enrolled the child. This agreement is void if any alteration is done to any clause without the written consent of the Owner/Director, Mrs T Nel.
Children should not bring their own toys to the day-care centre as no responsibility for such toys can be accepted by the day-care. It is the responsibility of the parent(s) or guardian to update telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or any other detail as provided herein.
- Children that are infected with lice, or a transmittable disease must be treated without delay and will not be allowed to attend the crèche unless a medical clearance certificate of such condition can be submitted. (Department of Health requirement).
It is noted that Eden Kids Academy does not accept responsibility for the treatment of such conditions. In the case of "head lice" infection we follow a "no-nit policy". In the case of "chickenpox" no scabs must be on any body part for a child to attend the crèche.
Eden Kids Academy will not be liable for any contagious illness that could be contracted from any employee or child that is in the service/care of this facility.
- No child will be allowed at the creche when sick with cold or flu like symptoms
- If a child has tested positive for Covid 19, the child is to remain at home and isolate for 10 days.
- No child will be allowed at the day care if anyone in the household has tested positive for Covid 19 and is within the isolation period.
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